Question:hello when do you expect these back in stock?
Response:Rusty, we do not have specific dates when products will be arriving. These are unprecedented times within the ammo industry. On a daily basis, we are still receiving shipments of all types of ammo calibers, however, not nearly enough to fill the demand. You may want to sign up for notifications for when any ammo in this caliber comes back into stock and try a different brand. To sign up for notifications go to My Account > Communication Tab & scroll down to Notify by Caliber. Please note - Prime Members get this alert 3 hours prior to standard customers as a benefit of their paid membership, so we might not have any inventory remaining after the Prime customers get ahold of it. Thank you for visiting
Question:What is the difference between cci standard velocity 22lr and cci pistol match 22lr? Thank you
Response:Michael, the difference between the two comes down to quality control, its all the same ammunition made on the same machines. Some lots will perform slightly worse than others and those lots become Standard Velocity instead of Pistol Match. Thank you for visiting
Question:Can I buy a case of CCI 22 and take it To California I live in Nevada
My son-in-law granddaughter and I go to the Lincoln rifle range and shoot well over 500 rounds per session with our 10/22 Rugers
Because i live in Nevada, it simplifies things it's easier just to take the case down and leave it there for the days when they go and I'm not there
By buying it by the case and the free shipping saves me a ton of money it's a no brainer over one box at a time at the local sports store
Thanks AlanC
Response:Alan, I would have to advise against this as I believe it is against the law. Your best bet would be to order this ammunition and have it delivered to CA directly. Thank you for visiting
Question:Is it legal to buy ammo and ship to your house in CT?
Response:John, yes its 100% legal to buy ammo online and ship it to your home in CT. Thank you for visiting
Question:If I buy a case of this ammo, will it all be the same lot number?
Response:Lyle, yes this .22 LR ammo from CCI has the same lot number in bulk or by the box. just be sure to select option for a case when you purchase. Thankyou for visiting
Question:Hi, do you have an eta for your next shipment of CCI Standard Velocity ammo?
Response:William, We do not have specific dates when products will be arriving. These are unprecedented times within the ammo industry. On a daily basis, we are still receiving shipments of all types of ammo calibers, however, not nearly enough to fill the demand. You may want to sign up for notifications for when any ammo in this caliber comes back into stock and try a different brand. To sign up for notifications go to My Account > Communication Tab & scroll down to Notify by Caliber. Please note - Prime Members get this alert 3 hours prior to standard customers as a benefit of their paid membership, so we might not have any inventory remaining after the Prime customers get ahold of it. Thank you for visiting
Question:Are these rounds boxed loose, or is it ten boxes of 50?
Response:Michael, this .22 Long Rifle ammo from CCI Standard Velocity is boxed loose. 500 rounds per box. Thank you for visiting
Question:its now 11/20/20 Do you have any update on restocking the 500 count box?
Response:Richard, We do not have specific dates when this CCI Standard Velocity 22 Long Rifle Ammo will be arriving, but please make sure you set a back in stock alert on this specific product OR go to My Account > Communication Tab & scroll down to Alert by Caliber. You can sign up for notifications for when any ammo in this caliber comes back into stock. Thank you for shopping at Target Sports USA.
Question:an idea as to when they will be back in stock. Is CCI still manufacturing 22LR ammo?
Response:Mike, We do not have specific dates when 22 Long Rifle will be arriving, but please make sure you set a back in stock alert on this specific product OR go to My Account > Communication Tab & scroll down to Alert by Caliber. You can sign up for notifications for when any ammo in this caliber comes back into stock. Thank you for shopping at Target Sports USA.
Question:Hey, Any idea on the next restock?
Response:Hello Matthew, as of today we do not have an ETA on when this CCI SV 22LR ammo will be back in stock. Please sign up to get notified via text or email. Thank you for your patience and Thank you for visiting
Question:Hi, Can I get an update on when this CCI Std Velocity 40 Gn Ammo (TS0035) will be in back stock. Thank you in advance.
Response:Hello, we will try to get an update as when this CCI Standard Velocity 22LR ammo will be back in stock and update you ASAP. Thank you for your patience.
Question:Hi again. It has been over a week since your response to my question re availability of CCI .22 std velocity (TS0035) and I haven't received an update. I did notice that the price of a case increaded by $50.00!
Response:today or latest tomorrow. Thank you for your patience.
Question:I hope I didn't miss your message that the CCI TS0035 was back in stock! I have left both my e-mail as well as my Text source. Thank you in advance for your help.
Response:let us check ....
Question:Hello again! Two weeks ago you replied to my third request for an estimate on when the CCI Std Velocity .22 TS0035 will be available. I trust that you were sincere when you responded with " Let us check". I am worried about your company!
Response:Hello, as of today we do not have an ETA on when this CCI SV 22LR ammo will be back in stock. Please sign up to get notified via text or email. Thank you for your patience and Thank you for visiting
Question:Do you have an ETA for more sv?
Response:Hi Jacob. We should have more in stock within the next 2-3 weeks. Thank you for choosing
Question:I’m sure you get this question a lot, when will these be back in stock?
Response:Hi Logan. We should have more in stock within the next 2-3 weeks. Thank you for choosing
Question:Can I use this ammo in both my .22 long rifle & .22 Ruger Mark 2? Thx
Response:Hi Anthony. As long as your barrel is chambered in .22LR - you can utilize this product. Thank you for choosing
Question:You have an ETA on this CCI Standard Velocity? Thanks
Response:We will more of 0035 CCI back in stock this week. Thank you
Question:When would you be getting another shipment in?
Response:Yes we have more in route to us
Question:Do you know roughly when It will be coming in?
Response:2-3 weeks looks like....
Question:Do you guys by chance know now when this item will be back in stock?
Response:We have more of this CCI 0035 22LR ammo in route to us. Thank you for your patience.
Question:Why the sudden price jump for the cci standard velocity?
Response:Hi James, all ammo manufacturers except for two had price increases 5-8%. We have held off as long as we could and our old priced inventory depleted. This is batch is new cost. Thank you for your understanding.
Question:Someone said "This stuff is NOT the same as the CCI Standard Vel that is in the dark blue box". My question is "Why" ? Stephen
Response:YES it is, this is the same exact ammo ammo as the CCI Standard Velocity 22LR packaged in 100 rounds plastic sleeves Item number 0032. This packaging was designed for e-commerce sites like ours, because the plastic trays would brake in transit. Same exact 22Lr ammunition. Thank you for buying CCI 22 VS ammo at
Question:Hi I was wondering when your expecting to restock these cci standard velocity?
Response:Hi Paul, we have a shipment scheduled of this CCI Standard Velocity 22 LR ammo sometime next week. Thank you for your patience.
Question:Hello i was checking to see when you’d be getting another shipment of these? I’d definitely like to purchase more of them!
Response:Hi Ricky, we are getting another shipment of this CCI Standard Velocity 0035 22LR ammo sometime this week, 200 cases. Thank you for your patience and Thank you for buying bulk 22LR ammo at Target Sports USA.
Question:Are these 500 round packs bulk, or in separate boxes in the 500 round box?
Response:Hi Bill, This CCI Standard Velocity 22LR ammo comes packaged 50 rounds in a plastic tray in a box, 10 boxes per brick and 10 bricks per case of 5000 rounds. Thank you for buying 22LR ammo at Target Sports USA.
Question:I recently purchased some CCI quiet 22 ammo and it wouldn't cycle through my takedown 10/22, I had to feed each one on every shot. I was wondering if this product would behave similarly.
Response:CCI Standard Velocity 22LR ammo is made to different specs and although we cannot say for sure, we do advise you do contact CCI directly and they will be able to assist you further. Thank you for buying in stock CCI 22 Long Rifle ammo online at
Question:When will you have that ammo in stock. cci sv
Response:Hi John, w have 300 cases in route to us and the 100 cases will arrive tomorrow (Monday). Thank you for buying CCI Standard Velocity 22LR Ammunition at
Question:It being 1070FPS, what disadvantage does buying the advertised subsonic rounds over this one? I’m shooting a 15-22 with a 16inch Barrel and SilencerCo Sparrow and don’t want the supersonic crack. Will this round remain subsonic with a full length rifle barrel?
Response:Hi Nicholas, we will forward your question to CCI and get back to you with an answer as soon as possible. Thank you for buying CCI 22LR SV ammo online at
Question:How much would this be under prime ?
Response:Hi Alana, under PAM (Prime Ammo Membership) CCI Standard Velocity 22 ammo would cost you: Prime : $229.91
Free Shipping!. Thank you for buying 22LR ammo online at
Question:How many 500 round boxes are in a case
Response:Hi Steve, there are 10 bricks of 500 rounds per case, 5000 rds per case of CCI Standard Velocity 22 Long Rifle Ammo 40 Grain Lead Round Nose ammunition. Thank you for buying bulk CCI 22LR ammo online at
Question:These seem to have a sticky coating that slows down the feed in my mags. Ruger mkIII. So get a jam every first shot of mag. Are you aware of any coating and it's intent or purpose?
Response:Hi Kirk, we will reach out to CCI and find out about this coating issue. We will update you once we have more information from CCI. Thank you for buying ammo online at
Question:Did cci ever explain the wax coating?
Response:no response yet. Thank you
Question:How long will these be on sale for? How much still in stock?
Response:HI, CCI Standard Velocity 22 Long Rifle Ammo 40 Grain Lead Round Nose ammunition will be on sale until we sell out. As of right now, 4-1-2018 we have 52 cases left in stock. Thank you for buying ammo online at
Question:When do you estimate this being back in stock?
Response:Hi Teresa, we are expecting a large shipment of 3000 cases of CCI Standard Velocity 22LR ammo before the end of March. So in couple of weeks we should have a good supply. Thank you for visiting Target Sports USA
Question:When do you estimate cases will be available?
Response:Depending on the availability, we are hoping to see bulk cases of CCI Standard Velocity 22LR ammo sometime before November. Thank You for Shopping at Target Sports USA.